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What appears to be the main emphasis on the 8 hour pre assignment training course proposed by the Task Force on Private Security?What is the reasoning behind pre assignment training?Three decades later are those educational goals still relevant?Although some employers combine basic security training with pre assignment training and only provide the minimum number of hours required by law, the overall trend within the field has been to increase the number of hours of training. This offers greater protection for employers, should they become the subject of a lawsuit McCrie, 2016. Additional training highlights the extent to which the employer engaged in planning for every possible eventuality. Also, employees come to security positions with very diverse backgrounds. Many police officers, firefighters, and other personnel have had training through their own organizations which may not necessarily be congruent with that of a private employer. Providing training ensures that all personnel have…… Airport Security SystemThe secure operation of the aviation system across the globe is one of the most significant factors in the security and economic development of the United States.

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